A team dedicated to the success of its students.
We are convinced that to achieve this, it is essential to listen to the needs, requests and concerns of our students.
That’s why we do everything in our power to be a caring team, attentive to everyone’s problems.
We are always available to answer students’ questions about their schooling, their career choices and their student life in general. Our aim is to support them throughout their time at school so that they can realize their ambitions.

Mireille Mallol
CEO & Director of Studies

Guillaume Ferrero
Finance Manager – Student Life Coordinator

Audrey Louis-Marie
Communication-Marketing & International Relations Manager

Jessica Meffre

Sophie Tholozan
Preparatory Year pedagogical coordinator

Saymone Phanekham
Animation pedagogical coordinator, year 1

Mathew Vincio Vale
Animation pedagogical coordinator, year 1

Mathieu Lampron
Animation pedagogical coordinator, year 2

Patrick Larochelle
Animation pedagogical coordinator, year 3

Juan Felipe Restrepo Ortiz
Animation pedagogical coordinator, year 4

Anthony Demeter
Tech-Art pedagogical coordinator, year 1

Pierre Delage
Tech-Art pedagogical coordinator, year 2

Hamza Ben Salah
Tech-Art pedagogical coordinator, year 3

Darren Marshment
IT Manager

Alexis Schmitt
Helping relationship therapist

Néry et Marisela

Adelyne Méril
Registrar / Administrative Assistant