Dear students (friends, teachers and staff), This brings to a close 3 years of training that you have successfully completed.
As we do every year, we chose a magical place to honor you. So it was at the Cinéma du Parc that we gathered and feasted. We were able to celebrate your remarkable achievements.
This place plunged us into the enchanting world of animation and video games, where heroes and heroines come to life, and dreams take flight. You have shown remarkable talent and ingenuity, deserving recognition in the purest style of the academic Oscars!
I’d like to congratulate you on your dedication, hard work and perseverance. You were the stars for one evening, and you brilliantly showed us that you overcame all obstacles to finally reach that long-awaited moment.
The world of animation and video games is more than just entertainment. It’s a realm of limitless creativity and storytelling that impacts the lives of those who watch. Each and every one of you has the power to collaborate, provoke emotions, stimulate the imagination and, above all, inspire, not just through your productions, but through the way you are.
At the school, we stress the importance of never forgetting our responsibility for what we share, communicate or show.
I’d like to take this opportunity to give a shout-out to all the parents and friends who were worried about watching their offspring procrastinate behind console screens or just enjoying themselves drawing (especially in class. You wretch ;-)!!!). Anxious, you imagined the worst, didn’t you? Well, now you’ve been reassured! I saw you swelling your chests with pride during the evening. Realizing their potential and the bright future ahead of them.
This Cinema was THE place to take the whole audience on an extraordinary journey to honor your incredible talents. It was on the red carpet of the “Oscars of Academic Achievement” that Rubika graduated its 2 classes of students.

It’s in the “Legendary Character” category that we’ve nominated our graduates from the Video Game program (Technical-Artist specialization). You embodied one of them with brio. Who could forget the courageous and intrepid Link from Zelda? Like him, you’ve been the hero of your own quest and legend. You defeated final exam bosses and triumphed over dungeons of procrastination. The sword was your knowledge and the shield your determination. You proved that you were ready to face any challenge that came your way, thanks to the power of unity. An indisputable value that we inculcate every day through team projects.
Then, in the “Iconic Characters” category, we nominated our graduates from the 2D/3D Animation program. Like Buzz, you have become leaders and inspirations for others. You discovered that the sky wasn’t the limit, and were able to explore new horizons, break barriers and push the boundaries of what was once considered possible. You became guardians of the infinite and even beyond your own destiny.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank those who worked behind the scenes. Our true sages and superheroes. Embodied by a whole team of teachers, educational coordinators and administrative staff.
They listened to you with kindness, guided you with wisdom and accompanied you with patience.
On behalf of Rubika, I’d like to express our deepest gratitude to them for their dedication and unshakeable passion for transmission! For over 35 years now, this passion for communicating (because we’re still converting today) has been one of our pillars.
Finally, in the “Indestructible Family and Sim’s Family” category, we emphasized the importance of the link, whether it’s friendship, family or love. They inspire courage and resilience. They have been a light in the shadows, offering love and encouragement even when faced with doubts. Their confidence has enabled you to reach for the stars. It was with great gratitude that we highlighted their unwavering support and faith in your dreams (sometimes not always understood, but the team was always there to acknowledge it).
I’ll end on this metaphorical “allegory of the ball” (after Platon’s cave for those who have followed their philosophy course between 2 drawings or gameboy games… no comment 😉
Students and relatives. You have returned the ball to us. Symbol of knowledge and learning. With all the responsibilities that entails. From one passer to another, we are the last receivers. Now it’s time to pass it back to you, young Obi-Wan Kenobi. It is now your responsibility to choose the direction in which you will send it… My dearest graduates, as you begin the next chapter of your journey with your heads full of the lessons of these iconic figures, you have written a few chapters over the past few years. It’s your own story. The one that is still in the making.
Don’t lose this value we all share at Rubika Montréal: “Show the world that you can be serious without taking yourself too seriously!”
May the force be with you! Mireille MALLOL General Manager Rubika Montréal